Although Italy is a wonderful country to visit no matter what season it is, the prospect of a spending a beautiful spring day basking in the Italian sunshine tends to attract more visitors than usual. If you are like many others and plan on taking a visit to Italy this spring, make sure to check out these 3 quick tips on traveling to Italy in the spring.Bring a sweater

1) Always bring a sweater with you

Now that spring has finally arrived, everyone is undoubtedly excited to wear their brand new spring clothing. However, some tourists forget that to enter a church women must have their shoulders covered and that men as well are not permitted to wear clothing that is considered too revealing. It may seem like a nuisance to carry around an extra layer of clothing, but trust me when I say that it is worth it because you definitely do not want to miss out on Italy’s beautiful churches and cathedrals.

2) Beware of mountains of gelato

Along with spring, gelato season has finally arrived as well and it is no secret that some gelato is simply bettergelato than others. But how can you tell? One quick way to make sure that you are getting genuine Italian gelato is to avoid gelato that looks like a fluffy mountain. Traditional Italian gelato should lie flat and be scooped out as opposed to standing upright in a mountainous blob. Admittedly there is probably no such thing as bad gelato, but if you want to experience the truest version of this Italian treat make sure to avoid this tempting imposter.

3) Wear good walking shoes

Again, since winter has finally ended it is extremely tempting to break out your favorite pair of sandals to enjoy a beautiful spring day in Italy. However, it is likely that if you will be doing a lot of walking during your travels and flip-flops tend to become very uncomfortable after just a few hours of walking. You do not necessarily need to wear tennis shoes everywhere you go, but just make sure that whatever do you wear is both comfortable and durable enough to withstand the cobblestoned streets of Italy.

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