Roman summers are notoriously hot, and even if you think that you’re used to the heat – think again. Summers are hot, humid and in some areas of the city, breeze-free. This combination of elements makes for sweltering heat and very little relief!

Here are 5 tips for staying cool in the summer!

  1. orange-165040_1280Bring water with you; bottles get more and more expensive the closer you get to touristy areas.
  2. Take a re-usable water bottle; it’s better for the environment and better for your wallet. Take advantage of the many water fountains dotting the city.
  3. Wear light clothing (light in color and in weight). Light clothing absorbs less heat and breathable fabric will keep you cool.
  4. Avoid salty foods and alcoholic drinks, notorious for dehydration. Instead, eat foods that contain a lot of nutrients and high water contents such as fruits and vegetables.
  5. Remember to rest! Give your body ample time to replenish and reenergize!

Remember, a happy body makes for a happier trip! Headaches and fatigue from dehydration and exhaustion are not fun on any vacation!

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