What’s more Italian than Melanzane alla Parmigiana??? As with all recipes, there are many versions of Eggplant Parmesan, especially regarding how the eggplant slices should be cooked. Probably the most traditional (and, to most, the most flavorful) is to quickly fry them but if you are trying to be more healthy-minded, you can bake them in the oven or even grill them. Then there’s the dispute about whether you should use mozzarella or not. In any event, no matter which recipe you choose, Eggplant Parmesan is always a crowd pleaser. This is our favorite recipe!


Eggplant Parmesan Ingredients

shutterstock_217666408Approx 2 pounds eggplant
2-3 eggs
Olive oil (but for frying the eggplant slices, you may prefer a lighter oil, for instance corn oil)
16 oz smooth tomato sauce (without salt or other additives)
1 Handful of ground meat (optional) or 1 meat cube
Dry, white wine
2 cloves garlic
Chopped parsley and chopped fresh basil
Salt & pepper
Mozzarella cheese
Ricotta cheese (optional)
grated parmesan


Eggplant Parmesan Preparation

shutterstock_111018926The sauce.
If using meat, brown in a saucepan. Add tomato sauce, crushed garlic, meat cube (if not using ground meat) white wine, 4-5 Tbs olive oil. Let simmer half-covered. At the last, add chopped parsley and basil. Taste for salt and pepper.

Meanwhile, slice eggplant (with skins) to 1/2-inch thick. Beat the eggs with a little salt and pepper. Coat each eggplant slice with flour and then in beaten egg and fry quickly in about 1/4-inch of very hot oil. Let drain on paper towels. Place the mozzarella in a food processor and grind. Then add the ricotta and blend well.

Spread a thin layer of tomato sauce on the bottom of a baking dish. Place a layer of the eggplant slices in the dish, cover with a layer of sauce (don’t overdo), spread a light layer of the mozzarella/ricotta mixture and sprinkle grated parmesan. Repeat layers, finishing with sauce and cheese.

Bake in 350° F. oven for 15-20 min or until just brown.

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