The Eternal City of Rome is best known for seamlessly blending the past Empire’s rich history into the modern day bustle of Italy’s famous capital and the Pantheon in the heart of Rome is no exception. One of the most famous historical attractions, located in the heart of the city center, is the Pantheon in Rome. For decades, this commanding church was a great source of architectural inspiration to the world. Its design has been replicated in many modern-day libraries, government offices, and churches around the world setting a standard of class, elegance, and authority.

pantheon rome

A Brief History | Pantheon Rome

The current Pantheon in Rome was built by Emperor Hadrian as a temple to worship ancient pagan gods and was completed in the year 118-125 C.E. The previous Pantheon was built by Agrippa during his close friend Augustus’ reign, but had burned down in a great fire. Eventually, the current structure that Hadrian had completed was given to the Catholic church. Many believe this gifting of the Pantheon is what saved it from the many acts of destruction that decimated most monuments, especially temples, of Ancient Rome.pantheon rome

About the Pantheon

When you first enter Pantheon, you are greeted outside by the beautiful “Fountain of the Pantheon” which was added in the 16th century. You will also notice several huge Corinthian columns that came from a quarry in Egypt, floated down the Nile River, and loaded on a boat in the Mediterranean, before finally making their way into the huge church. Perhaps the most architecturally interesting aspect of the church’s construction is the massive dome. For over a century, the Pantheon contained the largest dome in the world. Today, it still remains the largest unsupported dome and one of the most replicated architectural feats. In its center is the famous oculus, or eye, which is the only source of natural light entering the church. Additionally, you will find many famous kings and Italian artists who are buried inside the Pantheon in Rome. Perhaps most recognizable among these significant historical figures is Raphael, the great Italian Renaissance painter who was famous for his fresco work in the Vatican.

pantheon rome

When visiting the Eternal City, this is one of the most significant sites to visit for a glimpse into life in Ancient Rome. With its iconic architecture, religious significance, and ideal downtown location–taking a minute to visit the Pantheon and honor the legacy of this once great Empire is sure to be the highlight of your trip to Italy.

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