There are countless reasons to love Venice… from its winding canals to the gondolas sailing through them and everything in between. Tourists flock to the city to experience the magic they so often hear and read about. Unfortunately, a lot of tourists usually means a lot of crowds. It can be hard to feel like you’re truly experiencing Venice when you have to shuffle through masses of people in the most popular attractions. The city is small enough that you don’t have to wander too far to get off the beaten path. If you’re interested in seeing Venice through the eyes of a local, try visiting some of these lesser-known spots!


  • Libreria Acqua Alta

This store is a must-see for bookworms. It’s eccentric and quirky and filled to the brim with books. Don’t expect to walk in and find a particular book you’re looking for, but half the fun is digging through their selection! In typical Venetian fashion, there’s even a gondola filled with books.


  • Mercati di Rialto

There’s no better way to feel like a local in Venice than to shop like one. Across the Rialto Bridge is a centuries-old market that attracts tourists and natives alike. The Erberia (fruit and vegetable market) and Pescheria (fish market) feature fresh food, and the lively atmosphere is worth experiencing even if you do not plan to buy food. Take some time to marvel at the seafood displays like the one pictured below!




  • Santa Maria dei Miracoli

St. Mark’s Basilica is beautiful, but this place is equally stunning. Located on the “main island” of Venice, this church was built in the late 15th century to house an icon of the Virgin Mary which was credited for a number of miracles. It recently underwent an extensive restoration. The exterior and lofty interior alike feature beautiful marble that is sure to leave you breathless.


  • Burano

If you are interested in island-hopping, take a 40-minute water bus ride to this old fishing village. The bright, colorful houses make for amazing photos, but there’s more to this island than meets the eye. Famous for lace-making, you are sure to find some beautiful pieces in the shops here… perhaps a good gift for friends and family back home!


Be sure to check out LivItaly’s variety of Venice Tours to get the most out of your island excursion!

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