“Beware the Ides of March!” cries the old soothsayer in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. But what are the Ides of March? Moreover, why should anybody be wary of them? Ides are the 15th of certain months on the Roman calendar. March, May, July and October have their ides on the 15th of the month, while all…

What’s more Italian than Melanzane alla Parmigiana??? As with all recipes, there are many versions of Eggplant Parmesan, especially regarding how the eggplant slices should be cooked. Probably the most traditional (and, to most, the most flavorful) is to quickly fry them but if you are trying to be more healthy-minded, you can bake them…

Just a 3-minute ride on Tram 8, or a short walk, across the Tiber from Centro Storico, Trastevere is a fusion of past and present. Narrow cobblestone streets lined with ivy-covered balconies, colorful bohemian boutiques, and local restaurants will enchant and romance. Get away from the crowds and explore side streets. Slice yourself out a…

Gian Lorenzo Bernini – Architect, sculptor, painter (Naples 1598 – Rome 1680), is the ultimate genius of the Baroque figurative art and of course part of our best of Rome series. Bernini started his career very young, following the style of his father Pietro and attracting upon himself the attention of the popes and cardinals.…

Virtual Reality (VR) is set to transform everything that we do, from driving to shopping for apparel. However, few industries will be affected as profoundly as the travel sector. VR holds out immense potential for travel companies, thanks to innovations like VR cardboard. Marketed by Google, these affordable VR headsets hook up to ordinary smartphones,…

Looking for a “festive” risotto dish? Champagne Risotto, aka Risotto alla Champagne, is a great recipe for company risotto that fits perfectly with holidays or birthdays or any other occasion when “champagne” works into the equation!  Italians love their risotto — almost as much as their pasta — and, as with pasta dishes, there are…

The Colosseum Underground lies beneath the massive stone amphitheater called the Colosseum commissioned around 70-72 A.D by the then Emperor Vespasian of the Flavian dynasty. Opened in 80 A.D. by Titus, the son of Emperor Vespasian. The Colosseum was officially named the Flavian Amphitheater. It was used for four centuries and then was neglected until…

To many people, Rome is known as “A world heritage site” because of the vast history within this gorgeous city and throughout Rome’s museums. Rome’s history spans over two thousand five hundred years; it was once known as the powerhouse of Europe. As the birthplace of the Roman Empire, Rome is one of those cities…

The Ferrari brand is perhaps one of the most iconic family names to come out of Italy but how much do you know about Ferrari history? Created in the 1950’s by Enzo Ferrari, the first luxury racing cars were manufactured in the city of Maranello. Enzo himself was a race car driver, and it is…

Eggs are, of course, associated with Easter so this week our very own Marilee is preparing us for the coming holiday with an Easter Brunch Recipe that you can whip up at home for lunch! Called a frittata  in Italian,  this Italian-style omelet has endless variations and possibilities. Since I am not particularly skilled in…